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Galimatias Blog

Työpaikkasuomi: Kielitaito tuo ratkaisuja työvoimapulaan

Kirjoittanut: Johanna Ekman on 29.9.2021 17:06

Suomessa vallitsee työvoimapula hoitoalla, ja työvoiman eläköityminen pahentaa tilannetta tulevaisuudessa. Ulkomaisen työvoiman vastaanotto ja kouluttaminen on yksi ratkaisu ongelmaan edellyttäen, että ulkomaalaistaustaiset työntekijät kotiutuvat Suomeen niin hyvin, että jäävät maahamme pysyvästi.

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Aiheet: suomen kieli, kielitaito, työpaikkasuomi, työpaikkaruotsi, työvoimapula, Mistä suomen kielikoulutusta halvalla?, hyvä suomen kielen koulutus, kielitaito tuo ratkaisuja työvoimapulaan, rekrykoulutus

How to talk about “mökki, mölkky and mäkäräinen” in English?

Kirjoittanut: Rytkönen Claire on 23.6.2021 14:14

Finnish summer traditions are very special. Sometimes so special it’s hard to describe them to outsiders in English. How can you find the exact words for traditional Finnish things such as:
Lonkero, tynnyrisauna, vihta, mäkäräinen, kassler, mölkky, talkoot, löyly?

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Aiheet: summer, Finnish summer, Mosquitos, sauna, barbecue food, learn English

Scared of using English on Social Media? 10 phrase packs to help you!

Kirjoittanut: Rytkönen Claire on 20.4.2021 10:54

Using social media in English is becoming more and more important in Finnish working life. Social media feeds in English are used in Finland to publicise events, reports, carry out positive marketing, open recruitment, and also interact and build networks nationally and internationally.

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Aiheet: English language, events, call to action, publications, social media, politically correct, reports, good news, promotions

“You say toMAYto  - I say toMAto…” - US versus UK pronunciation

Kirjoittanut: Rytkönen Claire on 25.3.2021 11:06

In the USA and the UK there are of course many internal accents and even dialects. However, there are some standard differences between American pronunciation and British pronunciation. It can be good to know the difference and when each is used. Which variety do you prefer?

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Aiheet: British English, American English, English pronunciation, wordstress

Liven up your pronunciation

Kirjoittanut: Rytkönen Claire on 9.3.2021 12:19

A good way to make your English livelier and improve your public speaking skills is to emphasise the keywords in an English sentence. This will really make them stand out and sound far more fluent and close to native. This can be challenging for Finns who sometimes sound a little flat when speaking English. This is usually due to using Finnish stress patterns when speaking English. However just learning a little about English stress and putting a few points into practice can make a big difference.

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Aiheet: English language, English pronunciation, wordstress, StandOut, Make a good impression, Be more fluent

Årets nyord - en coronahälsning från en boomer

Kirjoittanut: Johanna Ekman on 12.2.2021 12:04

Språkrådet på Institutet för språk och folkminnen i Sverige ger varje år ut en lista över de nyord som har tillkommit språket under det gångna året. Nyord har ofta sitt ursprung i stora världshändelser och nya samhällsfenomen. Det är alltså knappast en överraskning att nyordslistan 2020 präglas av coronapandemin. Klimatfrågan fortsätter också färga listan vid sidan av andra samhälleliga och politiska fenomen som yttrandefrihet och teknikens framfart.

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Aiheet: ruotsin kieli, svenska, corona, uudissanat, nyord

English pronunciation can feel like chaos...

Kirjoittanut: Rytkönen Claire on 11.2.2021 12:15

In English ”scene, scheme, and scenario” are three very common business words. Unfortunately, they also have a very tricky pronunciation pattern. Over the years I have heard many otherwise fluent Finns come unstuck on the horror trinity of ”scene, scheme, and scenario”. However, help is at hand if some key pronunciation rules are followed…

English pronunciation can indeed feel like chaos – but don’t despair, there is some method in the madness!
Let Galimatias show you how…

You don´t speak like this, do you? Click here...

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Aiheet: ääntäminen, English, pronunciation, English language, quiz, English pronunciation, key rules

Understanding the US election

Kirjoittanut: Rytkönen Claire on 29.10.2020 20:53

On Tuesday, November 3 the United States will hold its elections. These will elect not only the president but also members of the Senate, the House of Representatives, thousands of state officials across the country and decide hundreds of local referendums.
The American electoral system differs from Finnish system in almost every single aspect and can be confusing.

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Aiheet: us election, 2020 United States presidential election, trump vs biden, new president, your vote counts, every vote counts

Showing care in your emails in the pandemic

Kirjoittanut: Rytkönen Claire on 20.10.2020 12:15

With the pandemic having such a strong influence on people’s lives all over the world, it can feel important to mention this in emails with international partners. You may feel that you wish to show your concern and good wishes towards your clients or colleagues when writing in English. How can you do this in a caring but also business like way?

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Aiheet: English, keep safe, take care, Yours from afar, see you soon, showing care, pandemic, keep in touch, keep well

The new vocabulary of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kirjoittanut: Rytkönen Claire on 11.9.2020 11:16

The coronavirus pandemic has brought not only serious disruption and change to countries across the world but also a new range of terminology to help describe the disease and its effects.The epidemic will not be under control until there is at least a working vaccine. In this blog you have the chance to revise your English vocabulary related to this current matter.

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Aiheet: English, English language, covid-19, korona, pandemic vocabulary


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