Just before the holidays we would like to take a last chance to boost your English. Perhaps you will also use English over the summer, travelling for pleasure or business, or in between the breaks at a summer cottage?
Just before the holidays we would like to take a last chance to boost your English. Perhaps you will also use English over the summer, travelling for pleasure or business, or in between the breaks at a summer cottage?
Aiheet: rallienglanti, English, englanti, kesäkurssi
Stress patterns are one of the key features in creating a natural sounding English speaking voice. The variable stress pattern of English can often prove challenging for Finnish speakers who are used to the regular first syllable stress of Finnish. Here are some tips for improving your pronunciation.
Aiheet: ääntäminen, rallienglanti, English, pronunciation
Galimatias on vuonna 1996 perustettu valmennusyritys, joka tarjoaa palveluja yrityksille, organisaatioille ja julkishallinnolle.