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Galimatias Blog

The integration training has helped me to feel confident about my future in Finland

Kirjoittanut: Prauda Tiina / 30.4.2024 9:46


Understanding the language and being able to have a conversation in Finnish, makes me feel that I can have a future of full opportunities in Finland.

Name Nerea Bartolomé
Homeland Spain
Education Architecture Master´s Degree
Current work place/field Architect
Integration training First stage of integration training for highly educated  immigrants 4.9.-27.2.2024
Final stage / Career guidance pathway for the degree educated 4.3.2024 - on going until 23.8.2024


Picture_NereaNerea, Thank you for sharing your success story with our readers.
When did you study at Galimatias in the integration training for immigrants (kotoutumiskoulutus)?

I studied the first stage of integration training from September 2023 to February 2024. And since March 2024 I have been on the final stage, the Career guidance pathway ending in August 2024. 

What were the benefits for you from the integration programme (kotoutumiskoulutus)?

The integration program has helped me to feel confident about my future in Finland. Understanding the language and being able to have a conversation, makes me feed that I can have a future full of opportunities in Finland. 

How did the career coach help you to clarify your career plan?

First of all, they listen to our stories as humans and professionals. They understand that we can have a completely different life in Finland, so they contemplate our future and our desires with same passion as we, immigrants, do. They help us to find our new story, and show us the best way to get there.

In what way did your internship lead to employment or new contacts?

I did a language internship in a Social Media department. I met a lot of people who showed me how to develop my skills in Social Media communication. As soon as they saw my interest in being as helpful as I could, they offered me a hand and help with everything. After the internship I went back to school, but I was told, that after finishing my studies, they are willing to offer me a job. Even a 3-week internship can change your whole life!

How much effort did you make in order to get a job in Finland?

I am still studying the third module at Galimatias. My efforts have been directed towards expressing myself and in this I am my own worst enemy. When I started the training I was scared of the language. I decided to transform my weaknesses into new strengths. I started creating content in social media as a way to process all the information. It helped me to feel more confident about just trying and enjoying the process. After creating the content for 6 months, I started to see results that might lead to me working as a freelancer in Social Media. 

What hints could you give to people, who are learning a completely new language and culture, when they have already a lot of work experience?

Embrace the unknown. Let the new language and new culture create a new version of yourself. Be open to discovery and to being discovered, because it might be the first day of the rest of your life.
"What if it turns out better than you could have ever imagined?" - I repeat this to myself every day. 

Anything else that you would like to add?

"Kaikella on tarkoitus elämässä" was one of the first sentences that I fully understood after starting the course. Don´t let the fear of a new beginning paralyze your life. I truly feel that we can all have a huge future wherever we go, and Finland in particular gives you infinite chances. And that starts by learning the language. As a foreigner, I think learning a new language is a great determiner of how committed we can be in the working life. Do it for yourself. Because the more you invest in yourself, the more you can invest in the world.

If you want to follow Nerea in Social Media, here are the links: Instragram, TikTok, YouTube 

Nerean haastattelijana toimi Galimatiaksen asiakaspäällikkö Tiina Prauda. Aikuisten maahanmuuttajien kotoutumiskoulutukseen sisältyy 3-6 viikon kieli/työharjoittelujakso. Onko sinun organisaatiosi kiinnostunut ottamaan harjoittelijan? Tai onko teillä tarvetta suomen kielen koulutukseen ? Jätä yhteystietosi tässä ja olemme yhteydessä! 

Maahanmuuttajien kotoutumiskoulutuksessa on ilo seurata onnistumisia. Lue myös Catharinan, Omarin, Sohelin, Claran ja Apurvan menestystarinat.

Aiheet: suomen kieli ja työelämän kulttuuri, kielen opiskelu, suomea maahanmuuttajille, aikuisten maahanmuuttajien kotoutumiskoulutus, integration training for immigrants, menestystarina, success story, Finnish language training, Opi suomea, learn the Finnish language, learn Finnish, työharjoittelu on tärkeä, työharjoittelu voi johtaa työllistymiseen


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