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Galimatias Blog


Kirjoittanut: Elitza Gerova / 13.9.2022 13:12

Onnistunut ohjaus ja oma aktiivisuus kouluttautumisessa ja työnhaussa palkitsee.



MIELEN PORTTI on projekti, jonka tiimoilta Espoon kaupungin ja Espoon keskus yhteisötalojen ammattilaiset tekevät yhdessä työmuotoja, viestintää ja kouluttautuvat mielen hyvinvoinnin yhteistyöhön, jotta ulkomaalaistaustainen väestö saa kohdennettua ja toimivaa palveluohjausta ja tukea omiin tai perheittensä elämän ongelmiin aiempaa paremmin. Galimatiaksen entinen opiskelija työllistyi projektiin. Lue hänen tarinansa.

Thank you for participating in this interview, Clara!
Please, tell us something about yourself.Näyttökuva 2022-6-13 kello 13.03.53

I am Clara Vázquez, currently working as a Family Expert at Filoksenia ry’s project Mielen Portti. Furthermore, I am doing my PhD degree at the University of Jyväskylä (Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology). My fields of interest are trauma and family dynamics.

Näyttökuva 2022-6-13 kello 13.57.08

When did you study at Galimatias in the integration training for immigrants (kotoutumiskoulutus)?

I did my integration training at Galimatias during the period of 2020-2021. Completed module 3, part of which was a 6-week long internship.

Could you describe more your current workplace and you position there.

My profile at Mielen Portti is an expert - family and psychosocial work developer. Mielen Portti is a development project with a main goal to strengthen clients’ performance, mental health, and participation, so that their feeling of security increases, loneliness decreases, and the feeling of life control grows. We work with clients of different multicultural backgrounds and in different languages. We do not make diagnoses or official treatments. The Mielen Portti project is funded by Stea.

 What were the benefits for you from the integration programme (kotoutumiskoulutus)?

I learned a medium level of Finnish, which helped me to integrate into the Finnish society, along with finding a workplace.

How did the career coach help you to clarify your career plan?

My career coach was continually active in helping me to navigate through the Finnish system, understanding the preparations of an interview, my rights, and my duties. She was also advising me and gave me the flexibility to participate in a course, which was a platform to find a workplace later.

In what way your internship lead to employment or new contacts?

I found my internship place through a course I participated in Nicehearts ry. There, I completed my integration training’s long internship, during which I started developing a peer support group for women. Also, at Nicehearts I received information about an open position at Mielen Portti, which was exactly related to my own specialisation. It was just what I was looking for. I participated in an interview, and got a workplace, related to my profession, just after the internship.

How much efforts did you put to get to work?

I was very active and proactive. To develop my career here in Finland, I knew that finding an internship, related to my career, would make a big difference. I knew exactly what I was searching for, so I focused on that search and put all my efforts in that direction.

What is your message to the Finnish employers and foreigners looking for work in Finland? A multicultural work environment is a place rich in different experiences, perspectives, and ideas, and its benefits are endless.

Claran haastattelijana toimi Galimatiaksen asiakaspäällikkö Elitza Gerova. Aikuisten maahanmuuttajien kotoutumiskoulutukseen sisältyy 3-6 viikon kieli/työharjoittelujakso. Olisiko organisaatiosi kiinnostunut ottamaan harjoittelijan? Tai onko organisaatiossasi tarvetta suomen kielen koulutukseen tai osaavan ulkomaalaistaustaisen henkilöstön rekrykoulutukseen? Jätä yhteystietosi ja palaamme asiaan!

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Elitza Gerova

Kirjoittajana Elitza Gerova

MSc (Econ) & MSc (Tech.), experienced project manager and consultant and career coach. Eager to help immigrants integrating in the Finnish Labour Market.


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