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Galimatias Blog


Kirjoittanut: Elitza Gerova / 7.10.2022 14:21

"Suoritin työharjoittelujakson yrityksessä, jossa minulla oli loistava mentori. Opin harjoittelun aikana lisää suomen kieltä ja paljon teknisiä taitoja. Lopulta sain myös vakituisen työpaikan yrityksestä."
Lue Apurvan menestystarina.


Hello, Apurva. Thank you for participating in this interview. Please, tell us something about yourself,
your profession and current position. 

Näyttökuva 2022-6-15 kello 15.08.46

 I am a Structural Engineer from India, currently working as a Technical Assistant at AFRY Finland   Oy. AFRY Finland Oy is an engineering and consulting company. I have been working with   industrial and office building design and detailing. I use Tekla software for modeling and Robot   structural analysis for designing the structure.


When did you study at Galimatias in the integration training for immigrants (kotoutumiskoulutus)?

I was studying in the integration training of Galimatias for 6 months, between October 2020 and March 2021. I completed modules 1 and 2, during which I also had a 3-week long language internship.

What were the benefits for you from the integration programme (kotoutumiskoulutus)?

The teaching standard was so good that I was able to learn the Finnish language in such a short time, with which I could manage in everyday situations. The language internship was very beneficial for a great start of my career here in Finland.

How did the career coach help you to clarify your career plan?

My career coach helped me to update my CV, which is the most important step in a career. She also gave me many tips and suggestions about various approaches/platforms to find a right internship/work, because of which I could continue with an internship (work try-out) in my profession after completing my course at Galimatias.

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In what way did your internship lead to employment or new contacts?
I did a language internship in AFRY Finland Oy, which is one of the leading engineering and consulting companies. During my language internship, I had a great manager and mentor. They helped me not only in developing my language skills but also helped me in technical learning. I was able to learn both at the same time. Soon after my language internship, I got directed by my career coach from Galimatias about the ways to apply for work try-out/internship and continue in the same AFRY office. My manager accepted me to continue my internship (work try-out) in AFRY. I was always motivated by my team members, and everyone has helped me to develop my technical skills, whilst developing my communication skills in Finnish language. The whole team is kind, friendly, enthusiastic, and energetic, which made me want to work with them more. By the end of my 6 months long work try-out/internship, my manager offered me a full-time job. I would always be grateful to everyone who has supported me in this journey i.e., Galimatias – my first step for the entry into my professional career, the AFRY team – for believing in me and providing me with the career journey that I have always dreamed of.

How much effort did you put in order to get to a job?

I have always been a diligent, hard-working and motivated person. I have also put in a lot of effort to learn the language.  All these, with proper guidance, have led me to the journey I am in today.

How would you comment your current experience? What are your advices to the foreigners, who are looking for work in Finland?

I have always admired the work life balance in Finland. In comparison to my previous experience, I am able to realise the difference in work culture when I have time for myself and family apart from work time here in Finland.
My advice to foreigners, who are looking for work in Finland, are if you do not get a job, I would suggest trying and applying for work internships, which will help you to learn the work and develop your knowledge. In this way you will get some experience and the company will get to know your capabilities. This increases the chance to get contacts as well as the possibility to find a job easier.

Apurvan haastattelijana toimi Galimatiaksen asiakaspäällikkö Elitza Gerova. Aikuisten maahanmuuttajien kotoutumiskoulutukseen sisältyy 3-6 viikon kieli/työharjoittelujakso. Onko sinun organisaatiosi kiinnostunut ottamaan harjoittelijan? Tai onko teillä tarvetta suomen kielen koulutukseen tai osaavan ulkomaalaistaustaisen henkilöstön rekrykoulutukseen? Jätä yhteystietosi ja olemme yhteydessä!

Lisätietoa työkokeilusta: Työkokeilu/ Work try-out

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Lue myös aiemmat onnistumiset: Omarin, Sohelin ja Claran menestystarinat.

Aiheet: suomen kieli ja työelämän kulttuuri, kielen opiskelu, suomea maahanmuuttajille, aikuisten maahanmuuttajien kotoutumiskoulutus, integration training for immigrants, menestystarina, success story, Finnish language training, Opi suomea, learn the Finnish language, learn Finnish, työnantajan tulisi poistua mukavuusalueeltaan, työharjoittelu on tärkeä, työharjoittelu voi johtaa työllistymiseen

Elitza Gerova

Kirjoittajana Elitza Gerova

MSc (Econ) & MSc (Tech.), experienced project manager and consultant and career coach. Eager to help immigrants integrating in the Finnish Labour Market.


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